Leather Draw Reins - Week Collection
The Jump'In Draw Reins are made with a high-quality flat leather. A hook on each end makes it easier to attach the draw reins to the girth. The reins can separate from each other by means of a buckle.
This training aid influences the raising height of the horse's neck and is often used by the jumping riders. They must never be straightened like classic reins. They straighten only if the horse excessively raises its neck and comes above the rider's hand. A good draw reins use allows the horse's head and neck angle to remain open. They are not a help to have a horse on its bit.
Stainless steel buckles and hooks
Available in black, burgundy or havana
Size: Full only
To learn everything about our training aids, to know how to adjust and use them, you can click HERE.
The entire Week Collection is made of a high-quality English full-grain leather from SEGWICK. The buckles are stainless steel and the finishes are particularly neat.