Perfect fit? No problem! The bits of the "Dynamic RS" series are ergonomically shaped: Their centre piece is always tilted forward by 45°. This way they allow for an even distribution of pressure. Because all Dynamic RS bits fit anatomically correctly between the tongue and the palatal arch, they are mouth-friendly, allow effective aiding and are also suitable for horses with a small mouth or a very fleshy tongue.
The Dynamic RS Multi Ring Snaffle provides a consistent action on the tongue and neck. If your horse has a strong forward drive, is difficult to control and/or tends to pull upwards, the Multi Ring may be the ideal choice.
The different rein attachment options, with or without leverage on the neck, make it universal: it can be used for a wide range of purposes and education levels.
SKU 4046612578
Ring type: 3-Ring
Thickness: 16 mm
Mouthpiece: Double jointed
Ring-Ø: 70 mm
Use for: Snaffles
Material: Sensogan with stainless steel rings / cheeks